C.E. King High School

Sheldon ISD

Project Overview

This state-of-the art high school, stadium, and indoor practice facility was a part of the 2016 Bond Program at Sheldon ISD. EMA was chosen as the lead MEP Design Engineer. One of the district’s main goals was to incorporate up-to-date educational learning systems throughout their campuses. The high school includes academies, a CTE center, fine arts and an athletics wing.

The facilities are fed by a central plant. Due to the size, EMA took an innovative route and designed a system for the high school that utilizes large VAV central station air handlers. This high school also includes the latest in safety and security measures and infrastructure.


  • K-12 Education Award of Merit
  • Spark Awards: Most Maximized Budget


Houston, TX



High School - 550,000 Sq. ft; Stadium - 10,000 seats; Indoor Practice Facility - 50,000 Sq. ft



$165 million

Project Type

Project Type

New Construction

Services Provided


MEP Design, Technology Design, Energy Modeling

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